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Pricing Guidance

Infyni provides a flexible pricing structure. Courses may be available for free, Infyni might set the price or Instructors can set their own pricing while they create the course (Infyni might update/edit the price). Infyni might also provide discounts and promotions to make the course price more attractive to learners.
No. There are no registration or upfront costs that need to be paid by the Instructor while setting up a course. Instructors earn revenue based on the number of students enrolled for the course.
Instructors earn revenue based on the number of students who have enrolled for that course. The revenue can vary based on the number of students enrolled.
Students will be required to pay the payment processing fees which are industry standards fees charged by the payment providers.
No. Instructors can’t run a promotion/discount offer on the courses themselves. If they want they can consult with Infyni and if approved, promotions/discounts will be provided.
The payment terms can vary depending on how the Instructor would like it to be. Some typical payment durations are : Monthly, session-based, bi-monthly etc. Payments will be processed to the bank account that the Instructor provided while creating their profile on Infyni.
While there is no such limit on maximum or minimum pricing for courses offered, we encourage Instructors to set competitive prices that reflect the value their course provides or to attract maximum enrollments in the course. Extremely high or low pricing may prove to be a deterrent in student enrollment.
Yes. Instructors can offer free courses on Infyni. This can prove to be an excellent strategy to promote their name and expertise to a new audience and also the paid courses offered by them.
Infyni has a very transparent refund policy to ensure a fair process. We work closely with our payment partners, learners and instructors to resolve any disputes that may arise.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding payment queries, we have a dedicated team to resolve them. We’re here to help you navigate the pricing process and maximize your earning potential on our platform while providing a valuable learning experience to our learners.