Help Center | Infyniinfyni Kids

Help Center

About Your Classes

Go to the course details page of the course you’d like to request a demo for and check if the Instructor offers a demo and if the button is present, click on it to be enrolled into the course. You will be allowed to attend the first session of the course as a trial. You will also have access to any assignments, assessments and courseware provided for that session too.
You’re redirected to the Dashboard where you can View all the courses you have enrolled into. If it is a live course, you can view the sessions scheduled for it. You will be able to join the live classes on the day that they have been scheduled. Additionally you can also view the assignments, assessments, courseware and session recordings pertaining to these sessions
Once you enroll as a student, you will be asked to join a WhatsApp group where all updates on the course are communicated. You can reach your Moderator through this group by calling/messaging him/her.
1-1 sessions are courses in which you will have the instructor taking classes exclusively for you. There will be no other students with you.
At Infyni, a moderator will be part of every course and class whether you are enrolled in a group class or 1-1 class. They will be able to help you with all your queries and doubts. You’ll be added to a group once you enroll for a course and you can reach out to your moderator by messaging/calling him/her on the course group.
After logging in and being redirected to the dashboard: a) You can either click on ‘View More’ or ‘Start Learning’ on the course card in the ‘Live Courses’ section of the dashboard. b) Alternatively you can click on Live Courses to view all the live courses you’re enrolled in, now you can click on ‘View More’ or ‘Start Learning’ to be redirected to the Sessions tab of that Live Course. Here all the sessions that have been scheduled will be listed.
There are 2 ways to join a live class / session. a) You can click on ‘Join’ displayed against the Session either in the Live Sessions section in the dashboard b) You can go to the Live Course’s session tab and on the right in the course information section, you can click on ‘Join’ against today’s session.
Yes, you can join a live class that is in progress by logging in to your dashboard and clicking on the Live session link under your Live Courses. All our sessions get recorded and if you miss out on any of them you can always go back and watch the recordings.
If you miss a class for any reason, you can always view the recording of the live virtual session on your dashboard under Session Recording. It may take up to a day for the video recordings of your class to be uploaded.
If you are unable to attend a class in short notice, immediately inform the Moderator assigned to your course. They will be available on the WhatsApp student group. You can call/message them directly.
Below is how you can watch the video recordings of your class: Click on Live Courses, click on Start Learning on the course that you intend to watch the video recording for. After being redirected to the sessions tab of that Live Course, click on the Session recording icon displayed in the session recording column of that session and you will be redirected to the session recordings page for that course. b) Click on the session recording icon on the top right corner and you will be redirected to the Session recordings page for that Live Session. You can then play the recording for the session you’d like to.
Session Recordings will be visible once they have been uploaded. It may take up to 24 hours for the session recordings to be uploaded onto the system. If you don't see it 24 hours after the class is over, send a message/call the Moderator assigned to your course on WhatsApp.
Yes, you will have a lifetime access to the recordings for completed courses.
You will have lifetime access to the video recordings and the course material.