Live Python Programming Masterclass for Students infyni Kids

Python Programming Masterclass Students (NRIVA)

Python Programming Masterclass

Live Course

Duration: 25 Hours

Offered by: infyni


Live Course


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About Course

Python is a programming language that is easy to learn, which is why many novice coders choose it as their first language. You can use it for anything from analyzing data, to creating games and developing websites. Python has also become incredibly popular in the scientific community because scientists use it to calculate complicated equations and analyze data. .

  • Topics
  • Instructor (1)
  • Reviews
  • Introduction to Python
  • Python features
  • Python Download, Installation and Environment Setup
  • Variables and Rules of writing Variables
  • Keywords in Python
  • Operators
  • Basics I/O and Type casting
  • Introduction to Python 'string' data type
  • Conditional programming
  • Properties of a string
  • String built-in functions
  • Programming with strings
  • String formatting
  • Flow of program control type
  • Decision making statements: if-elif-else
  • ‘for’ loop and 'while' loop
  • Loop control keywords: break, continue, pass
  • Introduction to Python 'list' data type
  • Properties of a list
  • List built-in functions
  • Programming with lists
  • Introduction to Python 'tuple' data type
  • Tuples as Read only lists
  • Introduction to Python 'dictionary' data type
  • Creating a new dictionary
  • Dictionary built-in functions
  • Properties of Dictionary
  • Introduction to Python 'set' data type
  • Set properties and built-in functions
  • Introduction to functions
  • Function definition and return
  • Function call and reuse
  • Function parameters
  • Function recipe and docstring
  • *args and **kwargs
  • Modules and Packages
  • Working with text files
  • Working with CSV files
  • Understanding SMTP
  • Sending email with sendmail() function
  • Sending email using Gmail
  • Email sending with attachment and MIME
  • Understanding exceptions
  • try, except, else and finally
  • raising exceptions with: raise
  • Creating your own exception classes
  • OOPs concepts: Classes and objects
  • Making of a class and module namespace
  • Static and instance variables
  • Deep understanding of self and init ()
  • Inheritance and Overriding
  • Overloading functions
  • Operator overloading
  • Encapsulation: Hiding attributes
  • Pattern matching
  • Meta characters for making patterns
  • re flags
  • Working with MySQL database
  • Working with Sqlite3 database
  • Banking System Application by using Dictionary
  • Student Database management by using CSV files.
  • SQL Database project


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