infyni Kids

Java Programming for School Kids

This interactive Java course for youngsters starts with the basics. Meant for those who want an in-depth private coaching, your tutor will cover each topic in depth and systematically so that fundamentals are built strong. There will be assignments and practice sessions followed by assessments.

Live Course

Live Class:

Enrolled: 0

Duration: 50 Hours

Offered by: infyni


Live Course


About Course

Among the most essential course for Java beginners, you will be learning this course from a professional trainer with industry experience. A 50-hour course curriculum taking place twice a week this course is for beginners.
You will :Learn all the basic concepts, tools and functions you will need as a Java developer

  • Learn about variables and data types
  • Learn about using objects, creating and storing them
  • Learn to practice coding every day at home

You will have 3 projects to complete including an election program, a game and a pizza delivery app. Besides these projects there will be numerous programs to strengthen logic like 3-digit odd numbers and so on. Games include Hangman, Who wants to be a millionaire and so on.

Attend a free trial session to know if the class interests you. 

Skills You Will Gain

Data Types Variables Objects Classes Instances Boolean Expression If-Else Statements Loops While - For Constructors Array Creation Algorithms 2D Array inheritance Polymorphism Recurssive Searching and Sorting

Course Offerings

  • Instructor Led Live sessions
  • Clarify doubts during session
  • Access Session Recordings
  • Attend on mobile and Tablet
  • Assessments and Competition
  • Direct Messages
  • Feedback from Instructor
  • Full lifetime Resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Topics
  • Instructor (1)
  • Reviews
  • What is Java
  • Hello world example
  • Getting User Input- Scanner
  • Compiling
  • What are variables, different types
  • Operators
  • If condition
  • Switch case
  • While Loop
  • Do While
  • For Loop
  • Nested for – patterns and series
  • Arrays
  • String in Java
  • Static functions, parameters
  • Introduction to Classes and Objects
  • Election program ( based on Indian political parties)
  • Game – Guess the secret number
  • Pizza delivery app
  • Additional Programs to strengthen logic building
  • Features of Java
  • Java installation
  • More about JRE, JVM
  • Classes and Objects
  • Methods
  • Method Parameters
  • Data encapsulation
  • Getters and Setters
  • What is data abstraction
  • Constructors
  • Vector
  • Package & Access Modifiers
  • Memory storage, call by value & reference
  • Garbage collection & finalize
  • Inheritance
  • Abstract class
  • Interface
  • Polymorphism
  • final, super, this, static
  • Exception Handling
  • File reading and writing
  • Introduction to JDBC
  • Who wants to be a millionaire game
  • Hangman game
  • Recursive functions
  • Searching and sorting algorithms


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