infyni Kids

Chess for Beginners Batch - 95

With a curriculum designed to build a strong foundation in chess principles, Infyni's group chess classes goes beyond traditional chess instruction, instilling life skills such as focus, patience, and strategic thinking. Enroll for a free trial with our chess masters. All classes are live & online.

Live Course

Live Class: Monday, 16 Sep

Enrolled: 2

Duration: 24 Hours

Sessions: 4 classes per month

Offered by: infyni

Live Course
$50.02 /Per Month $100.04 50% off

$12.50 /Per Hour

Enrollment Closed Notify Me

About Course

Infyni is an online platform offering personalized chess coaching for young chess enthusiasts across the United States. Our dynamic and engaging classes connect talented chess coaches with kids eager to develop their strategic minds and tactical skills. Our certified coaches specialize in tailoring lessons to suit individual abilities and learning styles. Whether your child is a budding grandmaster or just starting their chess journey, our Chess for Beginners provide kids personal guidance, fostering a love for the game and enhance critical thinking abilities. Infyni's live online sessions ensure a dynamic and interactive learning experience, allowing kids to connect with their coaches in real-time from the comfort of their homes. It is designed to build a strong foundation in chess principles and goes beyond traditional chess instruction, instilling life skills such as focus, patience, and strategic thinking.

Classes are held 2 / week in our Chess for Beginners Batch - 95. Learn how our chess coaching is different here. To join us for a free live trial with our expert instructors give us a call at +1 813 944-3309 or drop us a mail at

Skills You Will Gain

Understanding the rules and mechanics of chess Recognizing and applying basic opening principles Identifying common tactical motifs such as forks Learning fundamental endgame concepts such as checkmate patterns Developing strategic thinking skills to formulate long-term plans Practicing visualization and calculation techniques

Course Offerings

  • Instructor Led Live sessions
  • Clarify doubts during session
  • Access Session Recordings
  • Attend on mobile and Tablet
  • Assessments and Competition
  • Direct Messages
  • Feedback from Instructor
  • Full lifetime Resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Topics
  • Instructor (1)
  • Chessboard
  •  Files, Ranks and Diagonals
  •  Square Names
  •  Piece names
  •  Piece symbols and points
  •  Piece Movement with Notation
  •  Piece Capture with Notation
  •  Capture, Attack and Check
  •  WWW, CCA
  •  Getting out of Check
  •  Whats a Checkmate?
  •  Checkmate with Rook
  •  Checkmate with Bishop
  •  Checkmate with Pawn
  •  Checkmate with Knight
  •  Checkmate with Queen
  •  Special Moves(castling, en passant and promotion)
  • Ending
  • Queen+Queen Checkmate
  • Queen+Rook Checkmate
  • Rook+Rook Checkmate
  • Queen Checkmate
  • Stalemate Alert with Queen
  • Opening Principles - WWW, CCA
  • Getting out of Check
  • Various Checkmates
  • Forks
  • Making Pins
  • Using Pins
  • Skewers
  • Discovered Attacks
  • Double Check
  • Trapping Pieces
  • The Bank Rank
  • Intermediate Moves
  • Castling, Underpromotion, En Passant
  • Stalemate
  • Perpetual Check
  • Proper Defensive Choices - Run
  • Logical Chess Move by Move game 1 and 2
  • Ending
  • Rook Checkmate
  • Two Bishop Checkmate
  • The Rule of the Square
  • square of the pawn
  • square of the pawn 2
  • The Opposition
  • Close Opposition
  • Distant Opposition
  • Diagonal Opposition
  • The King's Typical Fighting Methods
  • Triangulation
  • h+g vs h or g pawn
  • Outflanking
  • Promotional Squares
  • Shouldering
  • Transposition into a drawn endgame
  • Tricks for catching a passed pawn
  • Zugzwang and Mutual Zugzwang
  • Opening Strategy
  • Struggle for the centre
  • Fast Development of the pieces
  • Efficient Deployment of Pawns
  • Safety of the King
  • Simple Checkmate in 2 Moves
  • Queen Sacrifice to Checkmate!
  • Rook Sacrifice to Checkmate!
  • Bishop Sacrifice to Checkmate!
  • Knight Sacrifice to Checkmate!
  • Pawn Sacrifice to Checkmate!
  • Protect Each Other
  • Avoid Checkmate
  • Escaping by Stalemate
  • Escaping by Perpetual
  • Stop the Promotion
  • Avoid Being Trapped
  • Various Saving Moves
  • Zugzwang
  • Quiet Moves to Checkmate
  • Quiet moves to Win Material
  • Counterattack
  • Removing the Guard
  • Analysis of Student Games
  • Ending
  • Sacrifice Pawn to Win
  • 2 Pawns Vs King
  • King Restriction
  • Breakthrough
  • Promoting with Check
  • Opposite Pawns
  • Zugzwang
  • Decided by the Academy
  • Sacrifice to Win the Queen!
  • Sacrifice to Win the Rook!
  • Sacrifice to Win the Bishop!
  • Sacrifice to Win the Knight!
  • Sacrifice to Win the Pawn!
  • Forks and Double Attack
  • Pins
  • Deflection
  • Discoveries
  • Double Check
  • skewers
  • Trapping Pieces
  • Decoys
  • Intermediate Moves
  • Pawn Promotion
  • The Back rank Problem's
  • Game Saving Combinations
  • The Kingside Attack
  • The Queen's Pawn Opening
  • Games on Attacking f7 Pawn
  • Games on Attacking h7 Pawn
  • Greco's Sacrifice or Greek gift Games
  • Attacking a Fianchetto Castled Position
  • Deflection, Undermining or Removing the Guard
  • Endings
  • Simple pawn endings
  • Queen against pawn
  • The wrong bishop
  • Elementary endgames
  • Mating nets in the endgame
  • Queen against rook
  • Basic opening principles
  • Opening traps
  • The value of the pieces
  • Centralizing the pieces
  • The opposition
  • Realizing a material advantage
  • Open files and Outposts
  • Weak points
  • Gambits
  • Pawn weaknesses
  • Exploiting weaknesses
  • Fortresses
  • The semi-open file
  • Mate with bishop and knight
  • Outposts
  • The principles behind mobilization
  • Coordination of the pieces
  • Diagonals
  • Realizing a material advantage in a pawn ending
  • Realizing a material advantage
  • The open games
  • Positional advantages
  • Bishop against pawns
  • Attacking
  • Knight against pawn
  • Semi-open games
  • The passed pawn
  • Mating motifs
  • Mating motifs 2
  • Double check
  • The discovered attack
  • Mate in two moves
  • The pin
  • The double attack
  • Combinations
  • Stalemate motifs
  • Forced variations
  • Combinations involving promotion
  • Pawn combinations
  • Smothered mate
  • The windmill
  • Back rank combinations
  • The 7th rank
  • The pawn wedge
  • The use of traps
  • Stalemate combinations
  • Combinations involving files
  • Combinations involving diagonals
  • Combinations with knights
  • Perpetual check
  • Mate in two moves
  • Combinations with the major pieces
  • Combinations with knights 2
  • Zugzwang
  • Combinations involving bishops
  • Queen sacrifices
  • Attacking with queen and knight
  • Attacking with queen and rook
  • Forced Variations
  • Attacking with queen and bishop
  • Attacking with queen and pawn
  • Attacking with rook and bishop
  • Attacking with rook and knight
  • Combinations involving promotion
  • Mate in three moves
  • Combinations involving files