infyni Kids

Java for Beginners (NRIVA) - Summer 2023 Batch 1

This Complete Java Programming Live course starts with the basics. Meant for those who want an in-depth live coaching, you will practice on the spot, in front of your teacher. A dedicated Java expert trainer will train you through games in every class so that you learn on the spot.

Live Course

Duration: 35 Hours

Offered by: infyni

Client: NRIVA

Live Course

About Course

Among the most essential course for Java beginners, you will be learning Complete Java Programming Live course from a professional trainer with industry experience. A 35-hour course, Complete Java Programming Live takes place thrice a week.

On completion of the course you will : 

You will :

  • Learn all the basic concepts, tools and functions you will need as a Java developer
  • Learn about variables and data types
  • Learn about using objects, creating and storing them
  • Learn to practice coding every day at home

You will have live projects to complete including an election program, a game and a pizza delivery app. Besides these projects there will be numerous programs to strengthen logic like 3-digit odd numbers, games include Hangman, Who wants to be a millionaire and so on.

Attend a free trial session to know if the class interests you. 

Course Offerings

  • Instructor Led Live sessions
  • Clarify doubts during session
  • Access Session Recordings
  • Attend on mobile and Tablet
  • Assessments and Competition
  • Direct Messages
  • Feedback from Instructor
  • Full lifetime Resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Topics
  • Instructor (1)
  • What is Java?

  • History and Features of Java
  • Hello Java Program
  • Internal How to set the path?
  • JDK, JRE, and JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
  • Operators, Keywords

  • 1.Decision making statements
  • 1a.If
  • 1b.If else
  • 1c. Nested if
  • 1d.Switch
  • 2.Looping statements
  • 2a.While
  • 2b.Do while
  • 2c.For
  • 2d.For -each
  • 3.Jumping statements
  • 3a.Break
  • 3b.continue
  • Naming conventions of Java
  • Classes, objects, and features
  • Object declaration and initialization
  • The life cycle of an object
  • Anonymous object in Java
  • How to declare a package in a company project
  • Package naming conventions
  • Sub packages
  • Types of packages such as user-defined packages, built-in packages
  • Importing packages in Java
  • Data types in Java
  • Primitive data types
  • Non-primitive data types
  • Variable declaration and initialization
  • Naming convention
  • Types of variables such as local variables, instance variables, and static variables
  • Scope and memory allocation of variables
  • Methods in Java
  • Use of method in Java
  • Method declaration, the method signature
  • Types of methods in Java: predefined method, user-defined methods: instance method, static method
  • Calling of method
  • Java main method
  • Return type in Java
  • What is Constructor in Java?
  • Types of Constructors: Default and parameterized constructors
  • Java constructor overloading
  • Constructor chaining in java
  • Copy constructor in Java
  • What are an Access modifier ad a non-access modifier in Java?
  • Types of access modifiers like private, default, protected, and public
  • Types of non-access modifiers like abstract, final, native, static, strictfp,
  • synchronized modifier, transient, and volatile.
  • What is Static Keyword
  • Static variable
  • Static method
  • Static block, instance block
  • Static Nested Class in Java
  • Difference between static variable and instance variable,
  • static method, an instance method,
  • static block, and instance block
  • Final keyword
  • Final variable
  • Final method
  • Final class
  • What is Inner Class in Java?
  • Types of Inner class in Java
  • Super Keyword
  • Calling of superclass instance variable
  • Superclass constructor
  • Superclass method
  • Encapsulation in Java
  • How to achieve encapsulation
  • Data Hiding
  • Tightly encapsulated class
  • Getter and setter method in Java
  • Naming convention of getter and setter method
  • Inheritance in Java
  • Is-A-Relationship
  • Aggregation and Composition
  • Types of Inheritance
  • Polymorphism in Java
  • Types of Polymorphism
  • Static and Dynamic Binding
  • Method overloading
  • Method Overriding
  • Abstraction in Java
  • Abstract Class
  • Abstract method
  • Interface in Java
  • Nested interface, rules, and example programs
  • In this chapter, you’ll learn about garbage collection in Java.
  • The following significant Topics are covered in this chapter.
  • File Output Stream, File Input Stream
  • Buffered Output Stream, Buffered Input Stream
  • Sequence Input Stream
  • Byte Array Output Stream, Byte Array Input Stream
  • Data Output Stream, Data Input Stream
  • Java Filter Output Stream, Java Filter Input Stream
  • Java Object Stream, Java Object Stream Field
  • Console
  • File Permission Writer, Reader, File Writer, File Reader
  • Buffered Writer, Buffered Reader
  • Char Array Reader, Char Array Writer
  • Print Stream, Print Writer
  • Output Stream Writer, Input Stream Reader
  • Pushback Input Stream, Push back Reader
  • String Writer, String Reader
  • Piped Writer, Piped Reader
  • Filter Writer, Filter Reader, File Descriptor, Random Access File,
  • and java.util.Scanner.
  • The following significant Topics are covered in this chapter.
  • What is Collections Framework?
  • List, Set, Sorted Set, Queue, Deque, Map, Iterator,
  • List Iterator, and Enumeration.
  • Array List, LinkedList, HashSet, Linked Hash Set, Tree Set, Array Deque, Priority Deque,
  • Enum Set, Abstract Collection, Abstract List, Abstract Queue, Abstract Set,
  • Map, Map Entry, Sorted Map, HashMap, Linked HashMap, Tree Map.
  • Serialization
  • Deserialization
  • This chapter is extremely necessary for any Java technical exam or interview. This chapter will introduce you to
  • Exception Handling in Java
  • Try-catch block
  • Multiple Catch Block
  • Nested try block
  • Finally block
  • Throw Keyword
  • Throws Keyword
  • Throw vs Throws,
  • Final vs Finally vs Finalize
  • Exception Handling with Method Overriding Java Custom Exceptions
  • Java Array
  • Types of arrays: single dimensional array, multidimensional array, declaration, instantiation, and initialization of Java array
  • Passing array to a method
  • Anonymous array in Java
  • Cloning an array in Java
  • This is the most crucial chapter in the whole Java core curriculum. It will primarily cover three subjects, namely
  • String,
  • Immutable String
  • String Comparison, String concatenation
  • Substring
  • String Buffer class
  • StringBuilder class
  • To String method
  • String Tokenizer class
  • Java multithreading
  • Multithreading life cycle of a thread creating
  • Thread scheduler
  • Sleeping a thread, Start a thread twice
  • Calling run() method
  • Joining a thread
  • Naming a thread
  • Thread priority,
  • Daemon thread
  • Thread pool
  • Thread group
  • Shutdown hook
  • Java Synchronization: synchronized method, synchronized block, static synchronization
  • Deadlock
  • Inter-thread Communication
  • Interrupting Thread

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