infyni Kids

Chess for kids - Live Course

This course is designed to make chess accessible, enjoyable, and rewarding for young beginners, nurturing skills that can benefit them in other areas of life. Let me know if you’d like additional elements or adjustments!

Live Course

Live Class:

Enrolled: 0

Duration: 24 Hours

Offered by: infyni

Live Course


About Course

This interactive, live chess course is tailored for kids aged 6-12. It provides an introduction to chess fundamentals, essential strategies, and game etiquette in a fun and supportive environment. Kids will learn to think ahead, plan moves, and understand the importance of patience and focus. Each session includes guided lessons, practice games, and plenty of interactive activities to reinforce learning.

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of the chessboard, pieces, and moves
  • Recognize essential opening principles and simple tactics
  • Develop strategies to protect their pieces and plan attacks
  • Practice good sportsmanship and learn from each game
  • Build confidence in playing chess with peers

Week 1: Introduction to Chess and the Chessboard

  • Session 1: The Basics of Chess
    • Introducing the chessboard layout (ranks, files, and squares)
    • Names, positions, and movement of each piece (pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen, king)
    • Practice: Identifying pieces and moving them on the board

Week 2: Basic Moves and Game Setup

  • Session 2: Setting Up the Board and Game Rules
    • Setting up the board and learning the proper placement of pieces
    • Understanding the objective of the game (check and checkmate)
    • Practice: Setting up and playing a short mini-game

Week 3: Pawn Power and Basic Strategy

  • Session 3: The Pawn - More Than Just a Little Piece
    • Learning pawn moves, captures, and promotion
    • Basic pawn strategies for advancing and protecting
    • Practice: Playing a “Pawn Battle” game to focus on pawn movement

Week 4: The Power Pieces - Rooks and Bishops

  • Session 4: Rooks and Bishops - Moving with Power
    • Learning rook and bishop movements and their importance
    • Using long-range pieces to control the board
    • Practice: Mini-games focusing on rook and bishop coordination

Week 5: Knights and Queen - Special Moves

  • Session 5: The Knight’s Jump and Queen’s Versatility
    • Understanding the knight’s unique “L-shape” movement
    • Learning how the queen moves and her role in attacks
    • Practice: Knight and queen puzzles to understand their power

Week 6: Check, Checkmate, and Protecting the King

  • Session 6: The King’s Role and Basic Checkmating Patterns
    • Learning to keep the king safe (castling)
    • Recognizing check and checkmate situations
    • Practice: Simple checkmating exercises using queen and rook

Week 7: Opening Principles and Basic Tactics

  • Session 7: Good Habits from the Start - Openings and Tactics
    • Introduction to simple opening principles (control the center, develop pieces, protect the king)
    • Basic tactics like forks, pins, and capturing
    • Practice: Playing a mini-game focusing on strong openings and tactics

Week 8: Playing a Full Game and Course Wrap-Up

  • Session 8: Practice Game and Friendly Tournament
    • Playing a complete game from start to finish
    • Applying skills learned throughout the course
    • Friendly tournament with peer feedback and rewards
    • Wrap-up: Celebrating progress, certificates of completion, and encouragement for future play

Skills You Will Gain

Introduction to Chess; Moves and Game Setup; Basic Strategy; Basic Tactics

Course Offerings

  • Instructor Led Live sessions
  • Clarify doubts during session
  • Access Session Recordings
  • Attend on mobile and Tablet
  • Assessments and Competition
  • Direct Messages
  • Feedback from Instructor
  • Full lifetime Resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Topics
  • Instructor (1)
  • Understanding the chessboard layout and coordinates
  • Naming and placing each piece on the board
  • Practice: Board setup activity and a fun matching game
  • Castling, pawn promotion, en passant
  • Basic understanding of check, checkmate, and stalemate
  • Practice: Situational exercises to practice special moves
  • Recognizing check and practicing safe moves
  • Understanding and identifying checkmate
  • Practice: Mini-games focused on achieving checkmate
  • Control of the center, piece development, and king safety
  • Practice: Trying out simple, common opening moves
  • Understanding the role of each piece in the opening
  • Avoiding common beginner mistakes
  • Practice: Practicing effective opening moves with mock games
  • Understanding and identifying pins
  • Practicing pins in different board setups
  • Practice: Puzzle-based exercises focused on pins
  • Importance of planning moves ahead
  • Simple techniques for coordinating pieces
  • Practice: Playing with a goal (e.g., capture specific pieces)