infyni Kids

Advance Level Python for Kids

In this live online course, students will explore real-world applications of Python, such as game development, creative projects, & problem-solving challenges. Starting with intermediate level this course is perfect for Grade 3-5 students keen on advancing ahead in programming.

Live Course

Live Class:

Enrolled: 0

Duration: 30 Hours

Offered by: infyni

Live Course


About Course

Welcome to infyni's exciting live online Python course designed exclusively for grade 3 to grade 5 students. Unlock the world of coding as we embark on a journey to harness the power of Python, one of the most versatile and popular programming languages.

In this intermediate to Advance Level Python for Kids course, young learners will build upon their foundational programming knowledge and dive deeper into Python's rich functionalities. Our expert instructors, well-versed in child-friendly teaching methods, will guide students through interactive sessions, fostering an engaging and supportive learning environment.

Throughout the Advance Level Python for Kids course, students will explore real-world applications of Python, such as game development, creative projects, and problem-solving challenges. They will grasp essential concepts, including variables, loops, conditional statements, and functions, honing their coding skills and logical thinking.

With an emphasis on hands-on practice, in Advance Level Python for Kids students will collaborate on fun group projects, enabling them to apply Python in practical scenarios. Moreover, regular coding exercises and quizzes will reinforce their understanding, ensuring steady progress and a solid grasp of Python fundamentals.

At the end of the course, students will have the opportunity to showcase their newfound coding prowess by presenting their projects to peers and parents during our celebratory virtual event.

Join our Advance Level Python for Kids where young minds blossom into confident programmers. Our live online course guarantees an enriching experience, empowering students with valuable coding skills that will serve them well in the digital world ahead.

Enroll now and watch your child's creativity and problem-solving abilities flourish with the language of Python!

Course Offerings

  • Instructor Led Live sessions
  • Clarify doubts during session
  • Access Session Recordings
  • Attend on mobile and Tablet
  • Assessments and Competition
  • Direct Messages
  • Feedback from Instructor
  • Full lifetime Resources
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Topics
  • Instructor (1)
  • Lists

  • Tuples
  • Arrays
  • Sets
  • Dictionary
  • How to Create your own Function ?
  • Arguments and Parameters
  • Keywords in Function
  • Advanced Python Functions
  • Introduction to turtle
  • Exploring more Turtles
  • Exception Handling
  • Randomand math module
  • Date, time, and calendar module
  • Classes and Object in python
  • Constructor and Variables in class
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Special functions
  • Abstraction
  • Polymorphism
  • Operator Overloading
  • More on OOPs
  • Practice of OOPs
  • Pygame introduction
  • Adding image in pygame and Adding Sprites
  • Movement of sprites
  • Events
  • Collisions
  • More in pygames